vosonntag.de - Unser neues Service. Termine und mehr. Alles rund um Verkaufsoffene Sonntage in Deutschland. http://vosonntag.de Developed in rails5. Enjoy and Share!
how to add sign in with GitLab Button to your page? Very simple. Let’s use some public npm_s for this: "passport": "*", "passport-gitlab2": "*" So, we would need passport to...
Here is how to configure cron daemon and rsyslog(to show cron logs) inside a docker contaner, based on CentOS images. Inside container Change into contaner with docker run -it CONTAINER-ID...
Export android library as .aar file make changes in build.gradle, tell gradle - you project is a library apply plugin: 'com.android.library' Execute Gardle task assemble gradle assemble Find output in...
By developing the Angular2 App its usual running on localhost… e.g. localhost:5555 or localhost:3000, depending on your development config If you are using json-api plugin for WordPress and trying to...
Welcome to quadriq.com blog, build with jekyll on github pages